Monday, April 13, 2009


I am not sure what this plant is called; it doesn't flower frequently, and it looks like it is a succulent, which grows in a sort of zig-zag. Anyone know what this is called? It's a very cool plant we originally rescued from a lot that was being cleaned out in Escazu.

This one is a type of ladyslipper orchid. It blooms like crazy. Normally I have a brown thumb for orchids, but this one almost takes care of itself.

This is one of Costa Rica's many leguminous trees. This time of year, it has hardly any leaves but is covered in these bright yellow flowers. This is one of my favorite trees here. You might also see the pink ones.

This was some formerly beautiful bamboo at the gardens in Zoo Ave. What is wrong with people that they have to do this to plants inside a freakin' park? Sigh.


  1. Hello,

    Your pink-flowered plant is a Pedilanthus.


  2. Thank you! I have the *best* readers! :-D I've been wondering what that thing was called for years. Now that I know, I did a quick Google search, and it looks like the one I have is Pedilanthus tithymaloides, also known as "Devil's Backbone," which is just a great name for a plant, IMHO! Interesting to see the growth habits of the various Pedilanthi (sp?) out there, but one thing I do remember from botany class is to look at the flowers, not the leaves, to figure out what kind of plant you've got. And sure enough, that it is! Thanks again!!

  3. Oh, something I forgot to mention about the Pedilanthus is that you can break off one of the stems, stick it in the ground, and grow a new plant. Now, I'm not suggesting you go out there breaking other peoples' plants willy-nilly, but that's how we rescued this one, which was in a lot about to be paved over (in which case I think it's okay to dig up the plant, or if you can't dig it up, break off a few branches and plant them later).

  4. You blog well! I've been a faithful reader. Yeah, the stems of a few of them do look like bones. Pedilanthus means shoe-flower by the way...
